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Helping people to become the very best version of themselves inspires everything I do.
The following selection of heartfelt testimonials are the greatest rewards I can hope for as a teacher and educator.
“Norma goes above and beyond as a teacher. She is extremely knowledgeable and a true teacher. This week is life changing, and it forces one to stop and pay attention to oneself. It is a journey worth taking and I feel extremely privileged to have taken it with the guidance and support of Norma. Thank you from the bottom of my heart”
“Absolutely amazing week that exceeded my expectations. Norma you are an amazing leader & you gave us tools to achieve our goals & intentions for this week, you guided us in a way that was compassionate yet disciplined. Thank you, Thankyou, Thankyou! Hopefully see you next year”
“I went to Bali because I wanted to deepen my Bikram Yoga practice. The thought of doing yoga every day undisturbed for a week sounded heavenly. Little did I know what amazing experiences lay in store for me! My body loved some of the amazing healers that pampered us and the food was an experience all by itself. I was exposed to so many new concepts, ideas and a different way of life. The Balinese, as always are truly beautiful people and their culture is refreshingly different. I thank-you Norma for packing so much into one week. You influence so many people’s lives in a positive way. You really opened my eyes up to raw food. I think so much more about what and how I am eating. It is up to me now, what I take from the retreat and practise as routine in my daily life. Thank-you for organising such unique retreats.”
An unforgettable 7 days. The combination of yoga and all the treatments have changed my life beyond recognition. My self- confidence, self love, and inner peace have been lovingly restored. I have never felt this good in all my 65 years. I feel like I am bursting with serotonin. Thank you Norma.
This retreat offered me the “whole experience”. I feel I have changed and grown so much in only one week! Norma has such an incredible wealth of knowledge. I came to the retreat with so many questions. I left with a new career path, a new outlook on life and a whole new way of eating. I feel better about myself and how I feel in the world. I loved the closeness of the group. I will definitely do another retreat…life changing! I love you Norma.
“Just wanted to say a big thank you for organizing such a great retreat! It was the most amazing holiday I have ever had in my life (truly!). Completely relaxing and 100% full on pampering! I loved that our program was so full on and our days were scheduled by hour! It was really nice to know that everything is taken care of for you and you don’t have to think about anything – just relax and accept it all! Loved the Bikram classes . I will recommend it to anyone at a heart beat! i did not expect the food to be so yummy and filling, was not sure what it will be and how i’m going to cope without meat . But it turned out really easy! Very delicious!”
I am leaving this retreat with an understanding of why and how to be healthy. I loved the practical parts, especially the yoga and food preparation classes. I have learned so much about myself emotionally and spiritually through group sharing and Norma’s informative talks. This week has been deeply life changing. Thank you Norma for your take on so many subjects and showing us what joy is…it radiates from you.
This was a truly life changing experience for me. It was so much more than just a yoga program. Norma’s experience in yoga, raw food and all things spiritual has supported me so much. I will go back to a new life where I will incorporate all the things Norma has taught me. The brilliant thing is that I feel I have been integrated physically, mentally and spiritually. Thank you Norma, you walk the talk and are an inspiration.
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